Wheeling Jamboree USA takes famous country
radio stage show to
neighboring Moundsville
and renovated Strand Theatre August 2011 to September 2012.
October 2012 The Jamboree returned to Wheeling's business district.

811 5th Street, Moundsville WV - 10 miles South of Downtown
Wheeling ane the former Capitol Music Hall.

over 8 decades a Jamboree country music radio stage show has been presented
by the various broadcast and entertainment corporations from downtown Wheeling.
These Jamboree shows have taken place at many theaters and venues within the
City of Wheeling. Those include short runs at The Victoria Theater in 1934 and
2009, The Market Auditorium from 1937-1945, The Virginia Theatre 1946-1962, The
Rex Theater 1963-1966, The Wheeling Island Exposition Hall 1966 -1969 and the
Capitol Theatre formerly known as Capitol Music Hall. Other short runs have
taken place at The Liberty Theater, The State Theater and the Colonial Theater each
in Wheeling at various benchmarks in the Jamboree�s history. Now for the first
time, neighboring Moundsville will share the heritage of Wheeling�s Country
Music Institution, when the current management unit of Wheeling Jamboree, Inc.,
partners with the Strand Theatre Preservation Society to present the Wheeling
Jamboree from the stage of Marshall County�s newly renovated Strand Theatre.
The Strand is located about 10
miles south of Wheeling�s downtown and nearby several
Marshall County attractions. Coincidently, not unlike Nashville�s Grand Ole
Opry House, that is nearly 10 miles from the historic Ryman Auditorium.
Executive Director Mr. David Heath, who is also a board member of the Strand
Theatre along with Strand President and Marshall County Chamber of Commerce
Executive Mr. David Knuth, stated the joint organizational efforts will not only
bring instant programming to the newly renovated Strand but provide a vehicle
for revenue sharing to both of the Non-Profit organizations with each
Saturday�s presentation of the Jamboree. The Strand seats approximately 700 and
a variety of other Arts related events are in the theatres programming approach.
Theatre patrons will have the opportunity to experience Classic Broadway
productions, Variety Musicals and Concerts with a host of entertainment
opportunities for the regions public to enjoy, in addition to the Country Music
that the Jamboree provides. The Strand facilitates the Jamboree to host
headline entertainers by having a 2 show per night or multi-day schedule,
allowing the attendance of several thousand to enjoy the Jamboree in an intimate
setting. Various city
business and shop owners can enjoy the additional foot traffic, with the
creation of support and tourism opportunities that add entrepreneurial
situations along Moundsville's Jefferson Ave., also in Glen Dale and around the County.
Broadcast distribution of the Jamboree is through Heath�s Jamboree Radio
Network to a growing number of AM & FM stations in association with Jamboree
Director and head of programming for West Virginia Radio Corp, Charlie Cook.The weekly Jamboree broadcast moved from AM 1170 WWVA to AM 1600 WKKX in January
2009. The Jamboree is now available world-wide via its streaming internet feed,
live on Saturdays, video on demand and a free iPhone player.
- The first Wheeling Jamboree show and radio broadcast from the Strand is
scheduled August 20th. Doors open at 5:30PM. The Jamboree now starts
at 6PM featuring new Jamboree family entertainers
recently added to its prestigious roster of Country Stars.

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